Johnny, I'm noticing a couple of things...
- Your Psyche should be Good 8 or Excellent 16. There is no Excellent 15. (See #2)
- As a new character your intuition must start at the lowest point for each rank. For example, Typical 5, Good 8, Excellent 16, Remarkable 26. If after creating your character, you have extra points, then you can dump those points into any stat that is below Remarkable.
- Emotion control looks fine
- Force field vs Emotion: Unlike other powers, it makes you take a rank that's at least +1cs your Intuition. No one has encountered this until now. Rules Update: Off the top of my head I am going to say that you only have to pay the starting cost (usually 10) plus any additional cost above the rank of your ability score. Until we get your rank numbers sorted out, lets say your Intuition is Ex 16. You pay 10 for starting cost then an additional 10 to increase the rank to Remarkable 26 then add 5 for the overpower cost. For a total of 25pts. I hope that makes sense.
- True Flight: you put 3pts into True Flight. That would give you an initial Flying rank of Poor +1cs for wings gives you a Typical Flying, not a good.