05-16-2016, 07:58 PM
neg.energy vs knowledge explained.
What I meant originally, and all the way through, was that a DC10 check is sufficient for an untrained character to have a generic knowledge of what negative energy is, or where does it come from.
- Religion tells it is used by some undead;
- Planes tells it comes from an inner plane of existence.
So Toot knows that Boo was affected by negative energy in some form but cannot tell the specifics. This is exactly how to interpret "be it energy drain or ability damage" as far as my English knowledge goes which, unfortunately, is short of native dialects and slang. In other words, Toot realises it is negative energy regardless of the exact type of the attack. Naming those two forms were for the sake of example and though OOC you are probably confident about the nature of the attack I did not intend to state that it's not some third form.
Without getting into rules lawyering an untrained knowledge skill with DC10 is for "really easy" questions which, in cases of
- Religion: tells the names of the greater deities and
- Planes: tells a generic image of the cosmology (i.e. the types of planes: material, inner, outer and possibly transitive); likely the names of the four elemental planes and maybe the two greater transitive planes (ethereal and astral); and maybe one or two traits of elementals and outsiders.
What I meant originally, and all the way through, was that a DC10 check is sufficient for an untrained character to have a generic knowledge of what negative energy is, or where does it come from.
- Religion tells it is used by some undead;
- Planes tells it comes from an inner plane of existence.
So Toot knows that Boo was affected by negative energy in some form but cannot tell the specifics. This is exactly how to interpret "be it energy drain or ability damage" as far as my English knowledge goes which, unfortunately, is short of native dialects and slang. In other words, Toot realises it is negative energy regardless of the exact type of the attack. Naming those two forms were for the sake of example and though OOC you are probably confident about the nature of the attack I did not intend to state that it's not some third form.
Without getting into rules lawyering an untrained knowledge skill with DC10 is for "really easy" questions which, in cases of
- Religion: tells the names of the greater deities and
- Planes: tells a generic image of the cosmology (i.e. the types of planes: material, inner, outer and possibly transitive); likely the names of the four elemental planes and maybe the two greater transitive planes (ethereal and astral); and maybe one or two traits of elementals and outsiders.