05-03-2016, 08:01 AM
Emotion control is one of those powers that the rules have changed quite a bit. For example, in the players book it counts as TWO powers but in the Ultimate Powers Book lists it as ONE power and the New rewritten Basic book (I found it online at work) that has a lot of cool new rules on powers, doesn't list Emotion Control as a power at all. Looking at the Website, Classic Marvel Forever, which is website created for a GM's own personal game that uses some of his own house rules has the power listed as ONE power but not another word about the power. So as you can see it's a little confusing about which version is the best. Personally, I lean toward the Players Handbook only because it has the most information about the power. But I do need to check out a couple more things before making a final ruling on the power. Such as Marvel characters like Empath and how the rules handle his power. I will get back to you as soon as I can.