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Pathfinder AP: Adventure on the high seas!
The Crit Hit deck is a cool varient that gives crit attacks extra abilities and conditions instead of rerolling your weapon damage. In the actual deck, you would draw a card and use the effect for the type of weapon (B, P, S or Magic). If you had x3 damage, you draw 2 and pick one. If you have x4, draw 3 and so on. There is a wide array of effects ranging from Bleed damage, to Score damage and drain and so on. Most all the effects still have you deal double damage, if not more. While players can use these any time, as the DM, I would only use them on manor NPCs and creatures.

Plot Twist cards are another awesome deck to run with games. Players are given 1 card at the start of the campaign and get one every level. Players play the cards whenever they want for one of the two possible effects on the card. One effect is a mechanics effect. Such as Target is Confused for 3 rounds, or Treat your next Knowledge roll as a 20, etc. The other possible effect are actual plot twists. Each cards has four possible twists, but the player chooses only one. These are things such as Something gets in the way, or A secret is revealed, etc.

Personally, I love the plot twist cards. They have brought a new level of excitement to my games.
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RE: Adventure on the high seas! - by PigLickJF - 07-22-2015, 06:07 PM
RE: Adventure on the high seas! - by ST GammaBear - 07-22-2015, 06:25 PM
RE: Adventure on the high seas! - by Emps - 07-24-2015, 02:38 AM
RE: Pathfinder AP: Adventure on the high seas! - by ST GammaBear - 07-25-2015, 03:47 PM

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