04-23-2016, 04:43 PM
I read in the book that you can't change your force powers once they are picked. But since some of us aren't really familiar with the game I was wondering if we could bend that rule a little? There are so many force powers that I'm finding it a little overwhelming trying to pick. Also I don't know you're DM style so I could take a power like Force Pilot but end up never piloting a ship. So I was wondering if Force users could do something similar to what Sorcerers can do in D&D. Starting at 4th level and then every even level there after, they can replace an old power for a new power.
If you would rather not, then that's fine. I just felt I should ask before carving my powers in stone.
If you would rather not, then that's fine. I just felt I should ask before carving my powers in stone.