04-07-2016, 07:38 PM
(04-07-2016, 06:45 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: OOC - Surface is about 100 feet up. There's no known danger around this level of the ruins; as far as humanoid remains and dead spiders are not considered a threat.OOC - Okay, but how much time does it to Torin to get out here?
(04-07-2016, 03:04 PM)Portho Nihilbuck Wrote: "Do you know of a safe place where we could rest? I have told you the truth and have no fear of taking an oath of such. I could use the rest to replenish my spells, I must confess I have little magic left to me.""
- I'm almost full. I sleep when I'm tired and not when I must replenish my spells.
Do you said that you slept a few hours ago (in a cocoon

Can we continue the searching?
Yes. I now a good place to rest.