Seeing that Jonath did not turn around and come back down towards the party as expecred, she hurries to catch sight of him in the east-west passage, then waves to the party in a beckoning gesture, hoping they will understand that Jonath is continuing onward. Then she hurries to catch up to her original intended pace about 15' behind Jonath.
She whispers ahead just enough for Jonath to hear, "Remember to look back to make sure we are still following you once in awhile. We were waiting for you to come back south and had I not seen you go west, we'd still be waiting there. To go it alone gere will be your demise if they catch you."
She whispers ahead just enough for Jonath to hear, "Remember to look back to make sure we are still following you once in awhile. We were waiting for you to come back south and had I not seen you go west, we'd still be waiting there. To go it alone gere will be your demise if they catch you."