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The morning after Thanksgiving ~Open to all~
The professor listens to everyone as they discuss what to do next.  Once it has quieted down a bit, Xavier says, "I can understand your worry for your girlfriend Jack but it has been little more than Ten minutes since you've received a text from her."  [Remember combat rounds are around 6 seconds.] The Professor furrows his brow in thought as he adds, "Unfortunately we have more pressing matters.  With this strange energy anomaly destroying part of a train, people being horrifically merged with said train, and a friend of yours [Sebastian] not only having no memory of current events but completely different recollections from what we know to be true.  Something truly strange has just happened here and we must get to the bottom of it as soon as possible!"

The Blackbird takes everyone back to the mansion where it lands in its hidden underground hanger.  The loading doors open allowing everyone to leave the jet.  The professor then thinks, ~Katrina, would you mind staying close to Sebastian to keep an eye upon him?  We still do not know why his memory is different than what it should be so we should be careful for the time being until we know more.  The rest of you can help too if you wish.  Sebastian seems to be more comfortable with Katrina but I would rather she not be left alone with him just yet.  I will be with Jean in Cerebo, searching for answers.~

The Professor smiles at everyone and says, "Please keep Sebastian company while we sort this out."  He then rolls away towards the room where Cerebro is held.
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RE: The morning after Thanksgiving ~Open to all~ - by GM Marvel - 01-15-2016, 06:49 PM

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