Lucian raised an eyebrow and added in as he looked over the boots, "Yeah, we can come back to search for useful things and valuables later. Just so long as the rooms behind us are cleared of enemies and nothing is left that can ambush the group."
The wizard read the journal, flipping through the pages with great interest. The whole damn thing sounded ominous and the last passage written seemed the most ominous. It made Lucian's eye twitch to say the least as his voiced his thoughts while his mind worked through the journal notes, "He was infected with ... something. Whatever it was, I think it crawled out of him or I don't know... Unless something killed him before the transformation was completed." He sighed deeply, "I wouldn't count on that though. And if so, whatever infected him is likely still down here."
(Action - Recall Knowledge to figure out what creature might have done this as he looked over the corpse.)
Recall Knowledge Arcana: 1d20+9 = 17
Recall Knowledge Nature: 1d20+7 = 23
Recall Knowledge Religion: 1d20+7 = 26
The wizard read the journal, flipping through the pages with great interest. The whole damn thing sounded ominous and the last passage written seemed the most ominous. It made Lucian's eye twitch to say the least as his voiced his thoughts while his mind worked through the journal notes, "He was infected with ... something. Whatever it was, I think it crawled out of him or I don't know... Unless something killed him before the transformation was completed." He sighed deeply, "I wouldn't count on that though. And if so, whatever infected him is likely still down here."
(Action - Recall Knowledge to figure out what creature might have done this as he looked over the corpse.)
Recall Knowledge Arcana: 1d20+9 = 17
Recall Knowledge Nature: 1d20+7 = 23
Recall Knowledge Religion: 1d20+7 = 26