Attack: 1d20+8 27 Damage: 1d10+4 7
Attack 2: 1d20+3 10
Her blade slashing left then right, she scored a hit upon the undead dwarf, though her returning strike missed it's mark, before shifting from her current position and hopefully opening a flanking position for one of her companions.
1: Strike (hit)
2: Strike (Miss)
3: Stride to the Undead Dwarf's right.
Attack 2: 1d20+3 10
Her blade slashing left then right, she scored a hit upon the undead dwarf, though her returning strike missed it's mark, before shifting from her current position and hopefully opening a flanking position for one of her companions.
1: Strike (hit)
2: Strike (Miss)
3: Stride to the Undead Dwarf's right.