Lucian politely turned a sympathetic smile to the Kobolds and spoke to their leader again, though he had to suppress a chuckle at the reaction Oriana had inspired in the little creature. "She's very passionate about finding this fellow."
He paused only a moment before continuing. "So, to insure we don't have any unfortunate misunderstandings that might lead to any further violence, what else can you tell us about what awaits for us below? Any information you have could be useful and may provide us with plenty of incentive to ignore your part in our previous altercations which would allow us, to allow you, to walk right out of here."
Diplomacy Check: 1d20+5 = 23
He paused only a moment before continuing. "So, to insure we don't have any unfortunate misunderstandings that might lead to any further violence, what else can you tell us about what awaits for us below? Any information you have could be useful and may provide us with plenty of incentive to ignore your part in our previous altercations which would allow us, to allow you, to walk right out of here."
Diplomacy Check: 1d20+5 = 23