Lucian moves forward into the room and moves the left to cover the fighters there with ranged attacks. He refocuses his shield and fires a forcebolt at one of the skeleton's.
(Action 1 - Stride to the left near Toryn and Kallista. Already moved on the map.)
(Action 2 - Fires Force Bolt at any skeleton target visible and still standing. Spends 1 focus point, Auto-hit.)
(Action 3 - Refocuses Shield. +1 AC, Shield Block 5 Reaction.)
Force Bolt Damage: 1d4+1 = 3
(Action 1 - Stride to the left near Toryn and Kallista. Already moved on the map.)
(Action 2 - Fires Force Bolt at any skeleton target visible and still standing. Spends 1 focus point, Auto-hit.)
(Action 3 - Refocuses Shield. +1 AC, Shield Block 5 Reaction.)
Force Bolt Damage: 1d4+1 = 3