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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)

The group continued moving downward and around the ravine as they spotted a set of stone stairs leading back upward. As they moved they happened upon more rat corpses, apparently these were casualties of previous fights.  Gods this place must have been overrun with the vermin.  But now, there was not a squeak or scamper to be heard, which was a good sign. 

Athos was the first to spot something odd as they moved up the stairs. Then Kriv saw several dead rats in a pile, before Arius signaled for the party to stop. The three could clearly make out a dead dwarf laying on a pile of dead giant rats.  Almost like a cherry plopped onto a desert.  That was mainly what caused all of them to stop and look around.  Still nothing moved and it seemed as though this wasn't some monsters desert, so they were about to move in for a closer inspection, when the dwarf suddenly gasped and cried out.  The dwarf jerked up onto his feet looked around unsteadily, laughed, farted, then swore something loudly in dwarvish before turning to notice everyone coming up the stairs. 


Ulfgar wakes up feeling like someone had kicked him repeatedly in the balls.  He rolled off some small hill on to a stone floor.  The last thing he remembered was being jumped by a shit ton of rats. With a snort of humor he noticed that was what had apparently broken his fall.  It was then that he noticed a group of people coming up the stairs and staring at him with a mix of horror and surprise.
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RE: The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One) - by DM Spiral - 09-14-2023, 02:05 AM

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