05-23-2023, 04:22 AM
After half the group crashes into the underside of the spiral staircase, each picks themselves up and looks up (down) at the party members who weren't affected by the reverse gravity effect. In a way it was lucky the staircase blocked their upward fall or they might have been more gravely injured. Just as they're figuring out what to do next gravity returns to normal and everyone falls onto the staircase below.
[OoC: Everyone can make a DC15 Tumble check to reduce the damage to 0. If you fail, please roll 1d6 for damage.]
[OoC2: Selina can make a DC10 attack roll using Dex instead of Str to catch the Dog. ]
[OoC: Everyone can make a DC15 Tumble check to reduce the damage to 0. If you fail, please roll 1d6 for damage.]
[OoC2: Selina can make a DC10 attack roll using Dex instead of Str to catch the Dog. ]