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Ulfgar - The best of Rat Stew. Wait What!? (Chapter One)

After about four ales a piece, the elf and human return with smiles on their faces.

Henry sits down and his eyes light up at the sight of a large ale waiting for him, "A, Perfect! Thes can fill you guys in on the  details, but we got the go ahead for the heading into the ruin, along with a bonus job on top of it." With that he gulped down his ale and promptly ordered another. 

Thesius sat down, "We meet up with the local general merchant. A lady who had dealings with our last employer so he recommended us to her. Apparently there is a rescue mission to be had on top of figuring out the source of a supposed apple that grows in the old ruin." And he continues telling the details of the mission and their dealings with the locals.  

(DM- Tell me if Ulfgar actually pays attention to the Elf's story or does it just turn into mumbling, lol.)

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RE: Ulfgar - The best of Rat Stew. Wait What!? (Chapter One) - by DM Spiral - 03-09-2023, 05:53 PM

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