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Ulfgar - The best of Rat Stew. Wait What!? (Chapter One)

Ulfgar gathers himself and his possessions quickly and makes for the merchant wagon waiting downstairs.  The team had purchased a smaller wagon to follow it, but apparently they were going to have to catch up as they were waiting on Ulfgar.  He almost slipped at the bottom stair to the common room, and bumped into one barmaid and knocked over no less than two humans trying to eat breakfast.  Even with that he piled into the back of the wagon like a rolling ball of laundry and strange things, just in time to see the Merchant wagon disappear around a corner. 

Thesius sighed, "Well, at least we wont have too much trouble catching up."

Reg smiled, "Yea, We getting paid 10 gold a piece to keep that wagon safe to place we were already going.  You don't want to miss out on that."

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RE: Ulfgar - The best of Rat Stew. Wait What!? (Chapter One) - by DM Spiral - 07-02-2022, 02:13 AM

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