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Ulfgar - The best of Rat Stew. Wait What!? (Chapter One)
Constitution Save: 1d20+6 16
Charisma Check: 1d20+1 10

As the night wore on, the small party sharing tales and getting to know one another, someone asked a question about the small hoop of lava rock that was latched firmly about the lobe of his right ear, the comment brought a longing gleam to the dwarf's eye and a wide smile and flash of large square teeth. Dis lad is me confession. Fer a decade past, I fashioned a pair o' these little lovelies' wit' da help o' me Ma. One I bear upon mine own ear, da other dons da pretty ear o' me lovely Sienna. 

So, there is a little dwarven maid awaiting your return to the hearth home then friend dwarf? One of his fellow adventurers asked. 

Nae lad, Sienna of Silverymoon is no rock cut dwarven lass, He quipped, downing the remainder of his tankard and wiping away the froth, She's o' half human and elven stock and a prettier little lassie ye'll find no where else. A Ranger by trade and hearty traveler, she wanders de lands between Silverymoon and Everlund, helpin' keep down the rodent population. Pesky garguran, goblins and der hobgoblin masters, have been encroachin' on Silverymoon territory from de depths of the Nether Mountains fer several years now and me lass was tasked to help keep der kind in check. 

I met her back when I was but a beardless boy and she was nimble little sneak thief scratching out an existence on da streets o' Silverymoon. Me parents and I had just set our little traveling smithy in the marketplace when she tried her tricks upon me Da. Sly ole dwarf dat he was, he caught her quick as a whip and would have turned her over to de Knights o' Silver, but he refrained. It wasn't until later that he admitted he seen somethin' in her eyes that told him she was a good person just tryin' to etch out a life fer herself. Instead, he forced her to help wit' da day's labor, den paid her few coins and sent her on her way. He chuckled then in remembrance, but sobered almost immediately, By Moradin's beard though, that fiesty lass showed up da next day, and den the next. Fer the entire tenday we stayed in the Silverymoon, everyday der was Sienna, showin' up to work bright and early. 

De more she came around, de more we talked, the de more I found meself enjoyin' the company o' dat fiery half-elf.

It was as this moment, that he took note of his empty tankard and blew out a hefty sigh. I thinkin' mayhaps it be time to turn in fer de night. I be harpin' on about me lass like some love-struck boy and we have de road ahead o' us in de morn. 

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RE: Ulfgar - The best of Rat Stew. Wait What!? (Chapter One) - by Ulfgar Gravendak - 06-14-2022, 03:46 AM

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