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Ulfgar - The best of Rat Stew. Wait What!? (Chapter One)
It probably didn't help that the young fire beard was constantly bickering with some imaginary being? or were they imaginary? But, for the past two weeks Ulfgar had grumbled and stomped from tavern to Inn, from this place to that around Neverwinter looking for any work he could put his Orc smashing talents too and nothing. But then just as he was about to give in to the idea of hiring on with the city guard, something Dumathoin had actually had to the gall to chuckle at him for, he came across this fine adventuring establishment. It was fine indeed when he noticed others of his craft sitting around drink and eating, but finer still were the appreciative looks he was getting from the barkeep nearby. 

Stow it Silverbeard, I see's what I see's, Ulfgar grumbled and snapped his head to the side as though addressing a fellow dwarf, she can recognize true talent when she see's it. Pushing a few strands of fiery hair from his face with stubby fingers, he thumped toward the bar offering a respectful wave and a grin and said, I be Ulfgar Gravendak, and I be lookin' for a spot of work iffen ye knowin' of any?

Oh yeah, and a pint of ale as well, He said shooting a disdainful glance to his side once again.

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RE: Ulfgar - The best of Rat Stew. Wait What!? (Chapter One) - by Ulfgar Gravendak - 05-17-2022, 03:37 PM

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