02-09-2022, 02:42 AM
(02-08-2022, 10:12 PM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: "Taking a Stih Prisoner? Who'd want a Sith prisoner? Just cut their heart out and burn it...assuming you could find it."
Well, this is the OoC thread. Shunna might have a similar line of thought but I wasn't speaking as her. There are many situations where we might have to keep a Sith alive. Thankfully, Due to the Rule of Two there are not many true Sith in the galaxy. But beings like Darth Maul and Galen Marek are still alive until 2BBY. There are also the Inquisitors and a bunch of Sith Acolytes. Neither of whom were ever taught by Sidious any real Sith knowledge because he never wanted to take a chance someone might rise up to challenge him.
I was reading a feat (see below) and it mentions being rushed on a skill check. Does anyone know what a Rushed Skill check is? I've googled it and all that pops up is for taking 10, "When you’re not in a rush and not being threatened or distracted, you may choose to take 10." But as far as I know of, being rushed is not a thing. Being threatened or distracted can be defined easily but how does being rushed affect the game. I have never heard of a DM saying, you can't take 10 because you're being rushed. Does this feat allow you to, once per encounter say you're rushing so you can take 10? That seems to be the only way part of this effect could work. Am I making any sense? Maybe I'm overthinking it.
Quote:Quick Skill
Your cautious nature provides a bonus to accomplishing extremely dangerous tasks. You are steady and confident.
Effect: Once per encounter, you can Take 10 when rushed on a single Skill Check for a Skill you are Trained in, unless the Skill description explicitly forbids it. Alternatively, you can Take 20 when using a Skill you are Trained in at half the normal time required.
Normal: Taking 20 normally requires 20 times the amount of time needed by a regular Skill Check.