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Kids on Brooms
Dear Alumnus or Supporter of Wandhill Institute of Sorcery and Enchantment,

I, Headmaster Pro tempore Balian Penderghast Merriweather, am pleased to announce the commencement of our 743rd consecutive semester.  Very soon letters of introduction will be sent out to our incoming freshman class of 11-13 year olds, and letters of of welcome will be sent to our returning students.  Professor Isley has overseen the installation of the greenhouse expansion this summer, and we are excited for the cultivation of the student's first harvest of Aglaophotis this year!  Additionally, in partnership with the New York Magical Museum and the legendary Mr. Wondertainment, we will be presenting an interactive display of Magical History as a supplementary aid and entertainment for the Magical History classes and the student body at large.  Finally, in addition to the annual Yule ball near the end of the semester we will also be fielding two teams in this year's Student's Wizarding Invitational.  Due to a change of rules this year, inclusion in these teams will be open to all students with fewer than 15 demerits over the course of the semester.  Teams may be created and registered at any time during the semester.  Even though the Invitational will be hosted by the University of Frozen Mysteries, we will be hoping for a good turn out from you, our precious Alumni and Supporters, to cheer on our students to victory.

Thank you for your support, both financial and otherwise, and we look forward to working with you and our students to make this another fantastic year of making W.I.S.E choices!

Headmaster B. Merriweather
First Ring of the Unseen Circle
Iron Wand of the Golden Conclave
Watchmage of the Outer Gates
Open Wizarding Invitational MVP 1923, 1947, 1965, 1966, 1981
Editor Emeritus, Journal of Mystical Research
Headmaster Pro Tempore, Wandhill Institute of Sorcery and Enchantment
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Messages In This Thread
Kids on Brooms - by GM Anthraxus - 09-23-2021, 07:45 PM
RE: Kids on Brooms - by GM Anthraxus - 09-24-2021, 03:27 AM
RE: Kids on Brooms - by GM Anthraxus - 09-24-2021, 06:24 PM
RE: Kids on Brooms - by Olaf Svenson - 10-15-2021, 05:55 AM
RE: Kids on Brooms - by GM Anthraxus - 10-15-2021, 07:12 PM
RE: Kids on Brooms - by GM Anthraxus - 10-15-2021, 07:17 PM

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