(08-21-2021, 11:21 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [[I know this was some time ago, but I need to know. Was that spider thing that nearly killed Ning/Nang a cwidencha like I thought?]]
[[I'm not sure which source you got the name from but my source calls it the Spiderleg Horror. Normally, it's a creature created when a Drow fail one of Lolth's 9 tests. This test is called, Chwidencha - The Test of Sacrifice. Drow who worship Lolth do this test between 9th and 11th level. So it sounds like you were kinda right. The most infamous punishment is probably the Chwidridera: The test of the Drider. Where (obviously) you're turned into a Drider if you fail this test around 6th level. This Spiderleg Horror had a few tweaks because of the radiation. ]]
[OoC: I'll be getting that map done tonight.]