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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
(08-18-2021, 02:40 AM)GM Marvel Wrote:
(08-16-2021, 10:18 AM)Eva Morningtide Wrote:
(08-15-2021, 05:13 PM)Reawyn Wrote: "We have no red food that we can spare right now. We are willing to be your friends though. Perhaps you can tell us about those creatures that were not like us."

As he talk s he gestures for Eva to lower her bow and stand down, they did not want to pick a fight they migfht lose. Yes, it was a dangerous creature that liked the taste of blood, that did not make it evil though, just dangerous.

If you are planning to eat us I have a bad news for you. We are androids - (we means E10 and her so she is not lying) - and I hope you don't like sheeny oils and polymer alloys. But perhaps we can have a deal as new friends.

Eva's diplomacy [1d20+4]=16+4=20

~No red food to 'spare?'~ The creature takes a 5' step toward the group.  ~If you have none to spare, then you have some?!~  It mentally asks with almost desperation.  It pauses for a second to wait for the answer, then Eva says, 'They were androids... and they wouldn't taste good...~Plan to eat you?~ Then.  ~Why do you think I would eat you?~  

Because you have a very-very big mouth and you look like someone who is very hungry... But friends do not eat each other, right? - she asks seriously without visible emotions
But as I have said we can have a deal. There is some red food in the corridor so you can clean it up if we swap place.

Eva's will: [1d20+3]=7+3=10 +4? (constructed: +4 on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, and stun effects)
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RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - by Eva Morningtide - 08-18-2021, 11:16 AM

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