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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
[quote pid="54182" dateline="1629163684"]
"I completely agree. Were I to sacrifice my remaining spellcasting, we could literally land the wasp on it to give us a ready escape craft. Or would it be better for us to be lowered on ropes?"

[[OOC: Under our 5e ruleset using a helm does not consume your spellslots entirely like earlier versions.  The slots are only consumed for increased speed or maneuverability. For ease of reference here are the rules for take offs and landing:
Landing: All ships can land; though some do it better. To begin, spelljamming ships slow down as they approach a planet’s gravity well. In doing so, the ship must spend a certain amount of time slowing to approach the planet’s surface. Once it nears, the ship may land on the surface, if it is capable of doing so, in 1 minute. A ship without the proper landing gear for the surface intended makes a Crash Landing. 
Take-off: This functions similar to landing in reverse. First, 1d8 is rolled to determine how long takes for the helm to warm up and the ship to prepare for launch. If a quick take-off was anticipated, roll 2d8 and take the lower value. The result is the number of minutes it takes for the ship to be ready to launch. If the helm never stopped operating between landing and take-off, this time is 1 minute. Once ready, the ship takes off and can travel at the In Atmosphere rate until the gravity well of the planetoid is reached. During warm-up, ships are considered unpowered.

Threadvine's eyebrows raise and he says, "It hadn't occured to use the wasp as a lander for this.  That probably  is a good idea, and we can drop some lines down to tie off to the ship once you are landed in case we need to pull you and the wasp out in case you need to leave in less than a couple minutes."
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S WE COULD SIT DOWN - by Rupert Gladestone - 12-01-2020, 05:47 AM
RE: A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread] - by GM Anthraxus - 08-17-2021, 12:54 PM

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