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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
[[I'm assuming both Eva and Reawyn moved a little closer to be checking out the floors and to get a look at the creature to try to identify it with knowledge skills.  Just "listening" to it in your mind isn't enough.  You will also have to speak out loud because at least the moment, it can't seem to hear your thoughts.]]  

Reawyn moves to the threshold of the room, beside Eva.  Neither walk into the room.  The creature, who's now in the middle of the room replies to Reawyn,  ~Creatures like you were here.~, ~Were they friends?~, ~I'd like friends too!~, ~They were pulled through room by creatures not like you~, ~They left behind delicious red food on floor while they dragged creatures that are like you from that door...~  A tentacle points to the door the group is standing at... ~To that other door..~ Points a tentacle to the south door, behind the fungus creature.  It then innocently asks, ~Do you have more delicious red food?~, ~It was so gooood...~ 

Reawyn watches the creature and knows its origin is on another world but its species have been known to somehow visit this planet.  Probably accomplished by either being brought here on space ships or stowing away.  These creatures are known to have a ravenous appetite for information.  Reawyn does believe this creature likely has at least double your hit dice.  It's telepathy range is about 100' and not only can it defend itself by blasting everything with nausea (once per day) but it can also calm creatures and drain your mental stats with a touch.

[Remember each round is 6 seconds so this takes about 5 rounds to communicate.]

[Image: np8bSl1.png]
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RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - by GM Marvel - 08-13-2021, 04:43 AM

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