11-04-2015, 04:13 PM
(11-04-2015, 09:43 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [OoC: I will be calculating xp's soon.
Re: Kobold spears. Strangely the Kobold's description says they use spears but the listed damage is 1d6 even though small spears do 1d4. They could be using long spears but that's a reach weapon and they don't have reach. But it makes sense that a small longspear would lose the reach. So under the circumstances just consider them normal spears for Medium characters with no penalties and longspears for small characters but without the reach. I'm not going to give any penalties to hit for weapon improvision.]
"I could not take the superior weapon, m'lady," the guard replies when Selina offers her morningstar. "A sling will do you little good if the Kobolds manage to close for melee and you are then forced to use one of those crude spears. I would rather use the spear then to give you a lesser weapon to defend yourself. And my apologies, m'ladies, my name is Tomeal (toe-MEAL)."
[OoC; Short spear does 1d6 for med. 1d4 for Small
Spear does 1d8 for Med., 1d6 for small and requires 2 hands
Longspear does the same as spear but has reach.. ]