06-28-2021, 07:08 PM
Found it it was actually January
DM Vitkyng Wrote:Planets in Atrivis Sector
Atrivis 7 - Pop: ??? humans pop: ??? relatively little detail industries: ranching
Fedje - pop: ??? mixed population (some human) terrestial forest world - neutral world
Fest - pop: (densely populated) humans cold mountain planet (covered in ice with mountains and valleys.).. recently ravaged by the first a war with Mantooine, and then the Empire. The weapon is mois rebellious, but there is still an Imperial garrison stationed here. The Fest resistance has now joined with the Mantooine Liberators top form the Atrivis Resistance Group.
Generis - pop: 2000 high gravity, natural hot plain, forest and jungle world.. industries: nature tourism, subsistance ranching
Hethar - pop: ??? mainly Sullustan the homeworld of gomts (domesticated herbivores)
Mantooine - pop: ??? mainly Human current Alliance Rebel.. the resistance group known as the Liberators were based there, and captured the Imperial garrison on the planet.. an Imperial strike group from the Fest system counter attacked and almost destroyed the Liberators. The planet is currently under Imperial occupation, but the remaining liberators have joined with the Fest resistance to form the group the party is currently with.. the Atrivis Resistance group
Nam'ta - gas giant pop: ??? relatively undetailed.. has been part of the Republic for thousands of years.. ruled by a local governement
Vuchelle - pop: ??? no dewtails aside from being used for the site of a republic jedi led negotiation with the Pirates of Iridium in 22 BBY just before the end of the clone wars and order 66
Neighbouring Sectors
Opplovis sector (east and south-east)
Ketaris - pop: // human terrestial ocean world, major trading center - strong imperial presence
Cademimu sector (south)
Cademimu V population: 10 Billion mostly human Ecumenopolis/urban planet gheavy trade hub with a very strong military tradition in arms manufacturing and trade.. weaker Imperial control
Phaeda pop ?? mixed species temperate forested world with plains and mountains with deep valleys a smuggler haven with a corrupt Imperial presence, allowing the planet to thriver as a smugglers den . Has been settled thousands of years, was involved in the Mandalorian wars
Cassander sector (south-west)
Cassander pop ?? human sector capital Empire controlled
Biitu pop: ?? Bithuian (near human bald green skinned) agriworld -- freed from the Empire and control of a massive droid named the Great Heep in 15 BBY by the heo Mungo Baobab and his friends C-3PO, R2-D2, Fidge and Chubb,
Garqi pop: ??? human terrestial planet plains/rainforests/ oceans an agriworld with purple vegetation, the planet that caf beans are mainly grown.. home to a university.. Imperial garrison but the inhabitants of the planet are frequently rebellious due in no small part to the university students
Isiring pop: ??? human mineral riuch world subsector capitol
Minashee industrial planet pop: ??? human sub-ector capital
Monhudle pop: ? smaller mining planet
New Bakstre Pop: 250,000,000 industrial/forest world large portion of main city was destroyed 22 BBY by an accidental munitions explosion, much of the surface is also been a battleground during the clone wars.. even 20 years later heavily war ravaged recently annexed by t5hye Empire
Ord Canfre pop??? human unknown home to a school Ord Canfre Institute for Ethics in Art Criticism, the planet was settl;ed by the Republic circa 12,000 BBY
Albarrio sector (north-west)
Anemcoro Population: 1 milliuon (was 10 million) Ho'Din (reptilian arborial humanoids) Many of the planets cities and most of it's tree-scaped surface were destroyed in an 'accidental' Imperial tuyrbolaser attack and resulting firestorm in 17 BBY. Annexed by the Empire
Aris Pop: ?/ human/mixed arboreal planet of forests and rainforests.. sector capitol
Bar Neth population: 1,000,000 dersert world with 5 suns an arid wasteland planet of red sand, cliffs, mesas and canyons, a red HOTTER Tatooine
Haverling Pop: ? Humabn unknown but advanced enough to provid shipyards for the new republic within a decade or so from now (first noted after the New Republic era)
Marmoth Pop: 1 - 10 million mixed races nothing noted other trhan it is a luxury liner port of call.. = someything on this planet attracted tourist with wealth.. scenery? gambling? luxury resorts? beaches? have fun with it if you pick it
Mygeeto Pop: ? Humans/Muun/ Lurmen homeworld of the Lurmen frigid crystaline worlds locked in an ice-age Banking clan stronghold - exteremely mineral especially crystal rich.. currently under Imperial domination
Scipio Pop: ?? mixed human/Muun a frigind mountain world - a vereyt important world for the InterGalactic Banking Clan controlled by the Muun .. the Intergalactic Banking clans Vault Fortress is here. The senator during the Clone wars was Rush Clovis, who despite being corrupt sacrificed himselff and was killed saving Padme Amidala from a Separatist attack. current Senator unknown, but guaranteed trrhe banking Clan will try and make you ance like a puppet
Relgim sector (north)
Vykos Pop: ?? low human/mixed as luxury liner stop on the Relgim tun temperate planet known for it's fast flowing rivers and deep canyons, some over a 1 km deep.. the luxury liners stop her for bopat tours and white water rafteing expeditions..
Ord Biniir - pop: ? Human -- nopt much known under Imperial rule