06-28-2021, 02:17 AM
Wrathful Bulwark
Wayfarer-Class Medium Transport Statistics (CL 5)
Colossal Space Transport
Initiative: -5; Senses: Perception +5
Reflex Defense: 12 (Flat-Footed 12), Fortitude Defense: 27; +12 Armor
Hit Points: 140; Damage Reduction: 15; Shield Rating: 20; Damage Threshold: 77
Speed: Fly 12 Squares (Character Scale), Fly 2 Squares (Starship Scale); (Maximum Velocity 800 km/h)
Ranged: Laser Cannon, Quad +2 (See Below)
Ranged: Laser Cannon +2 (See Below)
Fighting Space: 12x12 Squares (Character Scale), 1 Square (Starship Scale); Total Cover
Base Attack Bonus: +0; Grapple: +37
Attack Options: Autofire (Laser Cannon, Quad)
Strength: 44, Dexterity: 10, Constitution: -, Intelligence: 14
Skills: Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5
Ship Statistics
Crew: 10 can be as low as 2 (Pilot + Co-pilot); Passengers: 6
Cargo: 220 Tons; Consumables: 3 Months; Carried Craft: 2 Gargantuan Starfighters
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup Class 14), Navicomputer
Availability: Licensed; Cost: 144,000 (52,000 Used)
Weapon Systems
Laser Cannon, Quad (Gunner) (Starbopard dorsal turret)
Attack Bonus: as per crew +2 (-3 Autofire), Damage: 6d10x2
2x Laser Cannon (2 Gunner) (Port turret, starboard turret)
Attack Bonus: as per crew +2 (-3 autofire), Damage: 4d10x2
+ Cloakshape fighter with hyperedrive sled 79,500cr - https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/CloakShape_Fighter
+ R4-Series Astromech Droid (2,500 cr) - starfighter variant with astrogation bvuffer (domed head rathgger than conical) - https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/R4-Series_Astromech_Droid
+4 x 74-Z Speeder Bike (27,000cr ) - https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/74-Z_Speeder_Bike
net value new : 253,000 cr
there would still be room in the hangar for another Gargantuan (starfighter or airspeeder) sized vehicle and several more speederbikes. Or two lHuge ground vehicles, like cargo speeders. (you could fit four of Luke's X-34 speeder in there, the 'car from Luke's youth on Tatooine)
Wayfarer-Class Medium Transport Statistics (CL 5)
Colossal Space Transport
Initiative: -5; Senses: Perception +5
Reflex Defense: 12 (Flat-Footed 12), Fortitude Defense: 27; +12 Armor
Hit Points: 140; Damage Reduction: 15; Shield Rating: 20; Damage Threshold: 77
Speed: Fly 12 Squares (Character Scale), Fly 2 Squares (Starship Scale); (Maximum Velocity 800 km/h)
Ranged: Laser Cannon, Quad +2 (See Below)
Ranged: Laser Cannon +2 (See Below)
Fighting Space: 12x12 Squares (Character Scale), 1 Square (Starship Scale); Total Cover
Base Attack Bonus: +0; Grapple: +37
Attack Options: Autofire (Laser Cannon, Quad)
Strength: 44, Dexterity: 10, Constitution: -, Intelligence: 14
Skills: Initiative -5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -5, Use Computer +5
Ship Statistics
Crew: 10 can be as low as 2 (Pilot + Co-pilot); Passengers: 6
Cargo: 220 Tons; Consumables: 3 Months; Carried Craft: 2 Gargantuan Starfighters
Hyperdrive: Class 2 (Backup Class 14), Navicomputer
Availability: Licensed; Cost: 144,000 (52,000 Used)
Weapon Systems
Laser Cannon, Quad (Gunner) (Starbopard dorsal turret)
Attack Bonus: as per crew +2 (-3 Autofire), Damage: 6d10x2
2x Laser Cannon (2 Gunner) (Port turret, starboard turret)
Attack Bonus: as per crew +2 (-3 autofire), Damage: 4d10x2
+ Cloakshape fighter with hyperedrive sled 79,500cr - https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/CloakShape_Fighter
+ R4-Series Astromech Droid (2,500 cr) - starfighter variant with astrogation bvuffer (domed head rathgger than conical) - https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/R4-Series_Astromech_Droid
+4 x 74-Z Speeder Bike (27,000cr ) - https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/74-Z_Speeder_Bike
net value new : 253,000 cr
there would still be room in the hangar for another Gargantuan (starfighter or airspeeder) sized vehicle and several more speederbikes. Or two lHuge ground vehicles, like cargo speeders. (you could fit four of Luke's X-34 speeder in there, the 'car from Luke's youth on Tatooine)