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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
[OoC: E10, unless it's a common creature, you need at least 1 rank in a knowledge skill to know anything about the creature.  Since you don't have any ranks in any Knowledge skills you don't have a clue what the creatures could be. ]

Eva recognizes the blue creature as a Akata.  This hairless blue lion has twin tentacular tails. Dozens more thick tentacles quiver and twitch where its mane should be.  You don't know a lot about the creature except it's an aberration, it's deaf and its mouth is filled with invisible small larval young making its bite poisonous to only humanoids.  The other creature is a Weedwhip.  This strange, vibrant plant slowly but dangerously whips about its trio of tendrils with spiked heads.  It has the ability to camouflage itself making it very difficult to detect before it attacks.  Weedwhips are poisonous and will make you nauseous.  You can be exposed to the poison through its tendrils or if you strike it with slashing or piercing weapons.

Everyone is searching the room but it seems pretty empty of anything useful.  Not including the door that you entered the room, there are 3 other doors here.  Double doors to the North and East and a single door behind the desk.
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RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - by GM Marvel - 06-23-2021, 10:04 PM

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