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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
[OoC: Ok, good to know.]

Initiative NameDamage HealedDamage InflictedCurrent Hit PointsConditionsNotes!
20.8Humanoid------ ??/ ?? ------
15.6Essaccus------11/ 11------
12.2Reawyn------15/ 15------
11.4Cin------18/ 18------
8.4Eva3 healed2 damage15/ 17------
4.2Gurkagh4 healed---5/ 10------

Gurkaugh steps back 5' and then his eyes and hair begin to shimmer in the light.  Suddenly wave after wave of scintillating energy bursts from the shaman's body, healing everyone living it touches.  [Both Eva and Gurkaugh are healed 4 hit points each]

The Skeleton follows Gurkaugh by taking a 5' step and continuing its barrage of attacks...

1st attack: [1d20+1]=7+1=8, Damage: [1d4+1]=1+1=2; Miss!!

2nd attack: [1d20+1]=8+1=9, Damage: [1d4+1]=4+1=5; Miss!!

3rd attack: [1d20+1]=5+1=6, Damage: [1d4+1]=1+1=2; Miss!!

4th attack: [1d20+1]=19+1=20, Damage: [1d4+1]=1+1=2; HIT!!

This time Gurkagh seems much more prepared.  The Skeleton slashes left and right at both the Shaman and Eva.  Gurkagh dodges the first attack, while Eva sidesteps the second.  The creature then thrusts his claw at Gukagh's face but he easily ducks under the attack.  It swipes its last claw attack at Eva and manages to just catch her across her arm.  [Eva takes 2 damage]

[[It's E10's, Reawyn's and Cyn's turns.  Then Eva's and Gurkagh's turns.]]

[Image: Wkqep7j.png]
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RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - by GM Marvel - 05-27-2021, 11:21 PM

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