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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)

The old stone fortress peeks up from below as the bulk of it has fallen into the ravine.  The fortress was quite impressive back in it's day but has long since been forgotten by those that built it. The bit the group seems to be standing on is an old slightly leaning tower that still peeks above the cracked crenellations and lightless windows. 

As the group begins to descend to the lower level, everything is quiet, though a cold breeze blows up from below, bringing with it the scents of dust and the faint traces of rot, all mixed with the slight smell of fresh blood.

(DM - You're all moving down the stairs.  Feel free to roll perception and indicate if you walk fully down the stairs to the next level.)

[Image: QfLSZPr.jpg?1]

Athos - ( Blond Elf with the bow )
Kriv - (Black Dragonborn with the green fire)
Nightingale - (Red clothed Chick with the sword)
Arius - (Armored Guy w/ the shield and sword)
Mivia - (Chick with the staff)
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RE: The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One) - by DM Spiral - 05-22-2021, 06:42 PM

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