05-18-2021, 01:11 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-18-2021, 01:12 AM by Jessica Peters.)
"Everyone's back, I see," says another Teenage girl from the doorway. "I hope you didn't bring any rats back with you from the sewers," she says snarkily to Ben. "It's bad enough we have to deal with 'Bugs,' amiright?" Her comment obviously directed at Ben calling himself, Grasshopper.
When Porsche mentions wiping Jack's personality, Jessica replies, "Good luck with that! Even the professor couldn't scrub all those annoying traits from Jack's brain."
"I'm sure you'll all be happy to know that Niall has woken up from his coma. I for one won't be sleeping any better knowing the giant germ who attacked us was our teammate. First bugs and now giant sentient germs." She shivers and adds, "Gross!"
When Porsche mentions wiping Jack's personality, Jessica replies, "Good luck with that! Even the professor couldn't scrub all those annoying traits from Jack's brain."
"I'm sure you'll all be happy to know that Niall has woken up from his coma. I for one won't be sleeping any better knowing the giant germ who attacked us was our teammate. First bugs and now giant sentient germs." She shivers and adds, "Gross!"