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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
[[No worries.  Sorry to hear your work is so screwed up, hope it smooths out for you soon.]]

As Bazz begins to vanish away the slime and blood, the four of you discuss what likely happened here.  In looking at the slime, and the weapons found inside both Bazz and Melville remember a rare, but well known creature of wildspace, the Plasmoid.  The most common variation of this bizarre ameboid creature is well known for growing four limbs to use dual swords and dual shields.  At the mention of the plasmoid, Anders says, "Oh yeah.  It's something weird...  Degash, deggars, DeGleash! That's it.  DeGleash Plasmoid." [[Anders rolled 15 on his Nature.]]

With Rupert in the room to help trace out the flow of the battle, you all come to a common consensus that the most likely course of events here was that the ship was attacked by Plasmoids.  At least one got into the helmroom where the it and the helmsman engaged in a fight to death.  Melville is pretty certain that the lizardfolk was a mage of some sort, and likely put up some kind of higher ranked protective like a Fire Shield.  It seems that in the course of the fight the mage used some kind of area of effect that warped and twisted the decking thus wrenching the helm partially loose of the deck.  Unfortunately for the mage it seems like the Plasmoid was able to cut him down, but in the same strike the mage's retributive protection also killed the plasmoid.  Over time the combination of blood and slime seemed into the wood, causing swelling and sealing in the rotting body and slime that made up the plasmoid as it decomposed into a pool of slime.  If that is true, you also know that one seldom encounters singular plasmoids, so likely there were more involved in the apparent attack on the Wasp.  The one question that the investigation of the helmroom cannot tell you is where those other plasmoids have gone, and if any of the crew of the Wasp might still be alive.
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S WE COULD SIT DOWN - by Rupert Gladestone - 12-01-2020, 05:47 AM
RE: A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread] - by GM Anthraxus - 03-30-2021, 10:17 PM

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