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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
[FYI: Doors consist of a 1-inch-thick sheet of glaucite (hardness 15, hp 30, break DC 28). When powered, a door slides swiftly up into the ceiling when a gray panel situated on the wall nearby is touched—opening a door in this way is a swift action. A door can be locked or unlocked by pressing an access card of any color to this gray panel (note that some doors can only be locked or unlocked by specific colors.) Once a door is locked, or if a door is unpowered, it can be forced open or closed with a successful Strength check. Disable Device can be used to unlock a locked door, but attempts to do so take a –4 penalty unless the user has the Technologist feat (Iron Gods Player’s Guide) or uses an e-pick, since typical thieves’ tools are of limited use against electronic locks.  A door closes automatically at the end of any round in which it is opened unless it has no power or it’s locked in an open position with a second tap of an access card on its panel before the end of the round. ]

[OoC:   I did forget to mention that the door didn't stay open when Eva opened it because, as was just pointed out, the doors will automatically close at the end of the round.  So it wouldn't be a surprise that the door closed behind E-10.  Eva just has to open the door every round.]

[OoC2: You must decide among yourselves who's carrying the silver disks.  The disks aren't heavy but some players are close or already encumbered. ]

With another tap of the brown card, the door opens again to reveal E-10 testing the strength of the door but without success.  The door is very sturdy and will require someone stronger than E-10 to budge it.  When another blast of lightning goes off, Reawyn signals Eva he's ready.  She opens the door and he scurries across.
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RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - by GM Marvel - 03-20-2021, 05:09 PM

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