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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
Arius gathers the money he finds and places it in the pouch, he makes no move to take the pouch however.

"We will worry about dividing treasure found when we make it back up to town. We can't exactly spends coin below-ground can we. And who knows, we might need to purchase supplies as a group. I'd be fine if Kriv or Athos carry the coin for now." Naming the two companions he deems the most intelligent or wise, and also as long-lived races,  the least likely to be greedy where coin is concerned. As frivolous as he is with his family's coin and his own, he knows his fellows here might not have deep pockets.

He picks up his lantern again in his free hand, and sheathing his rapier, he keeps his whip coiledloosley in his right hand, equipped and ready for use.

"I am ready to lead on, once everyone is ready."

He stand s near the top of the stairs down.
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RE: The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One) - by Arius Dezlentyr - 03-04-2021, 06:04 AM

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