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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
Round 3
Threadvine - 23.16
Turtleship Movement - 22
Rupert - 19
Turtleship Light Ballista 18
Anders - 17.16
Turtleship Medium Ballista 17
Bill - 15.15
Melville - 15
Annabelle - 14.12
Chick - 13.14
Royce - 11.19
Slick - 8.17
Ashheart - 8.15
Bazzalan - 6
Cash - 4.14
Turtleship Medium Catapult - 2

Moving Debris - 0

Bazz compliments Cash's aim and precision as he fires off another blocking shot. [[Catapult shot: [1d20+4]=4+4=8+[1d6]=3 = 11. Puttting another bolder directly between you and the turtleship at height 1]]
The tail catapult of the turtle has no shot, so continues to hold.

The first boulder continues to drift away.

Threadvine follows Melville up to the forecastle and joins Ashheart.  He yells down to Chick, "One last big push should get us clear, Chick!"

The turtleship continues to spin and rise to avoid the latest shot Cash put in it's path. Melville and Bazz can give me a INT (arcana) check to see if you can determine the base speed of the Turtleship and something about the Spelljammer Boosting and if Threadvine's statement is correct, and Melville can add advantage to that due to his Spelljammer Navigation.

Rupert, the jettison is reloaded and ready to go.  What are you doing?

[Image: Flow_fight6.jpg]

[Image: Flow_fight_deck6.jpg]
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S WE COULD SIT DOWN - by Rupert Gladestone - 12-01-2020, 05:47 AM
RE: A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread] - by GM Anthraxus - 02-25-2021, 03:18 AM

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