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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
Round 2
Threadvine - 23.16
Turtleship Movement - 22
Rupert - 19
Turtleship Light Ballista 18
Anders - 17.16
Turtleship Medium Ballista 17
Bill - 15.15
Melville - 15
Annabelle - 14.12
Chick - 13.14
Royce - 11.19
Slick - 8.17
Ashheart - 8.15
Bazzalan - 6
Cash - 4.14
Turtleship Medium Catapult - 2

Moving Debris - 0

Rupert launches another debris field between the Riposte and the Turtleship, extending the hazard in the flow.

Both of the light ballista fire.  one of the bolts glances harmlessly off of the tail fluke of the Riposte, while the other bolt slams into the main deck adding a new quivering mast in front of Anders. [[First shot hits, but fails to overcome damage threshold.  Second hits and blows through the damage threshold dealing 18 points to the ship]]

Anders, in surprise, yells, "By the stars!" as she dives out of the way of the ballista bolt.  She scrambles up the forecastle stairs and quickly mutters a Blessing over Melville, Threadvine, and Cash. [[Movement and casting bless over three targets.  Adds +1d4 to attack and saving throws for 1 minute or until concentration breaks.]]

As the Turtleship continues to climb and turn the medium ballista fires as well but harmlessly clatters against the stout timber of the ram and begins settling to the gravity plane. [[Again hit but does not exceed damage threshold.]]

Bill moves over and quickly works the ballista bolt loose and tosses it overboard and out of the way. 

Melville, what are you doing?  Glancing at the scroll Threadvine handed you shows it to be a copy of Insect Plague.

[Image: Flow_fight_deck4.jpg]
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S WE COULD SIT DOWN - by Rupert Gladestone - 12-01-2020, 05:47 AM
RE: A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread] - by GM Anthraxus - 02-23-2021, 09:21 PM

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