02-17-2021, 08:28 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-18-2021, 03:31 AM by DM Vitkyng.)
Atrivis Sector
Bisay IV
Generis Station
The Minefield
The Rock
Atrivis Sector
- Type: Sector
- Region: Outer Rim Territories
- Coords: L-5
- Hyperlane: Braxant Run, Coruscant-Dantooine Trade Route, Relgim Run
- Factions: Atrivis Resistance Group, Galactic Empire
- Known Locations of Interest: Bisay IV, Generis, Generis Station, Minefield, The Rock
- Wookiepedia: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Atrivis_sector
- Lore: foremost among the territories active in resisting the Empire, with many isolated groups of freedom fighters. (They are not associated or connected to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Which itself is brand new and a source of many rum ours).
Bisay IV
- Region: Outer Rim Territories
- Sector: Atrivis
- System: Bisay
- Coords: L-5
- Hyperlane: none
- Nearest Known System: Generis (2.5 hours at hyperdrive 1.0)
- Atmospher/Gravity: Breathable type 1 / Normal gravity
- Climate/Terrain: Cool Temperate plains/mountains
- Sentient Species: Human (low density)
- Affiliation: Atrivis Resistance Group
- Wookiepedia: none
- Type: Planet
- Region: Outer Rim Territories
- Sector: Atrivis
- System: Generis
- Coords: L-5
- Hyperlane: Relgim Run
- Astrometrics: Rotation 42 standard hours, Year: 234 local days (equivalent 1.121 standard years)
- Atmospher/Gravity: Breathable type 1 / High gravity
- Climate/Terrain: Hot plains/jungle/mountains
- Sentient Species: Human (2,000)
- Flora & Fauna: Sallap trees
- Places of Interest: Generis Station
- Wookiepedia: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Generis/Legends
- Image:
Generis Station
- Type: Orbital Base
- Region: Outer Rim Territories
- Sector: Atrivis
- System: Generis
- Orbits: Generis
- Affiliation: Atrivis Resistance Group
- Image:
The Minefield
The Rock
Type: Asteroid Mining Facility
Region: Outer Rim
Sector: Atrivis
Location: Minefield asteroid field
Coords: L-5
Gravity/Atmosphere: vacuum, (artificial breathable inside base) / low gravity (0.1 normal) outside, artificial (normal) inside
Dimensions: The Rock is roughly 16 kilometers long by 8 kilometers wide. Most of the spaceport rings the inner perimeter of a massive crater 1 kilometer in diameter.
Notes: Various starships and materials were used to create living quarters and other sections needed to operate the spaceport. The Rock may have been a nice place once but now more resembles a junkyard hobbled together. Within the center of the crater is the main control tower and docking port, where starships can safely enter a large landing bay protected by an energy shield. Below ground, a sprawling tunnel network connects the control tower to the rest of the spaceport that rings the crater.
Defenses: 16 Turbolasers, 1km shield dome covering crater
Notes: The Rock is roughly 16 kilometers long by 8 kilometers wide. Most of the spaceport rings the inner perimeter of a massive crater 1 kilometer in diameter. Various starships and materials were used to create living quarters and other sections needed to operate the spaceport. The Rock may have been a nice place once but now more resembles a junkyard hobbled together. Within the center of the crater is the main control tower and docking port, where starships can safely enter a large landing bay protected by an energy shield. Below ground, a sprawling tunnel network connects the control tower to the rest of the spaceport that rings the crater.
Affiliations: The mining Guild, The Harlot
Leadership: Holon Veil (mayor)
Personalities: FOG (deceased), Flik (deceased), Dez Synn (escaped), Long (escaped)
Region: Outer Rim
Sector: Atrivis
Location: Minefield asteroid field
Coords: L-5
Gravity/Atmosphere: vacuum, (artificial breathable inside base) / low gravity (0.1 normal) outside, artificial (normal) inside
Dimensions: The Rock is roughly 16 kilometers long by 8 kilometers wide. Most of the spaceport rings the inner perimeter of a massive crater 1 kilometer in diameter.
Notes: Various starships and materials were used to create living quarters and other sections needed to operate the spaceport. The Rock may have been a nice place once but now more resembles a junkyard hobbled together. Within the center of the crater is the main control tower and docking port, where starships can safely enter a large landing bay protected by an energy shield. Below ground, a sprawling tunnel network connects the control tower to the rest of the spaceport that rings the crater.
Defenses: 16 Turbolasers, 1km shield dome covering crater
Notes: The Rock is roughly 16 kilometers long by 8 kilometers wide. Most of the spaceport rings the inner perimeter of a massive crater 1 kilometer in diameter. Various starships and materials were used to create living quarters and other sections needed to operate the spaceport. The Rock may have been a nice place once but now more resembles a junkyard hobbled together. Within the center of the crater is the main control tower and docking port, where starships can safely enter a large landing bay protected by an energy shield. Below ground, a sprawling tunnel network connects the control tower to the rest of the spaceport that rings the crater.
Affiliations: The mining Guild, The Harlot
Leadership: Holon Veil (mayor)
Personalities: FOG (deceased), Flik (deceased), Dez Synn (escaped), Long (escaped)