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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
You all begin keeping pace with Reawyn.  You manage to hustle about 80' [2 rounds] when small humanoids begin popping out of the ground and giving chase.  They're moving much faster than Reawyn so they quickly catch up to you but they aren't yet in melee range yet.  The creatures appear as short, humanoid creatures with skin of a greenish hue, with long tendrils covering their heads like hair.


  • 22.6 Essaccus
  • 19.2 Gurkagh
  • 19.2 Creature 1
  • 17.2 Reawyn
  • 10.2 Creature 2
  • 5.4 Cyn
  • 5.4 Eve
  • 5.2 Creature 3
  • 5.2 Creature 4
[Essaccus and Gurkagh goes first. ]

[OoC: I hope you can see this alright.  I'm working on a 17" laptop and it seems kind of small.   If you guys fight, the maps will zoom in more.  I often post pictures of the monsters in the unused corners so you can see the creatures in more detail.  So no, there aren't Gargantuan (tall) monsters closing in on you.  Tongue  ]
[OoC2: I will add numbers to the creatures on their initiatives. ]

[Image: eHv3LWYm.jpg]
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RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - by GM Marvel - 02-10-2021, 04:53 AM

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