02-01-2021, 08:16 PM
As I suspect there may be some OOC questions about the Fragment of Shattered Fractine, I'll go ahead and post the description here to make that convo a little easier.
Quote:This item is a Fragment of Shattered Fractine. This fragment of bent and reflective reality can act as an arcane focus for divination or transmutation spells. A caster can use the mirror to target spells, both ritual and combat. Any spell attack targeted via the shard suffers disadvantage on that attack but the caster may choose to apply one or more of the following effects to the attack: 1) target an additional target, 2) double the range of the spell, or 3) give the target(s) disadvantage on any related saves from the spell. Any spell cast via the shard must check for a wild surge (1 in 20). Each effect added to the spell from above adds 4 to the target number for this check (i.e. adding a target will trigger a wild surge on a roll for 1-5. Adding a target and giving disadavantage to targets would trigger a wild surge on a roll of 1-9.) If a wild surge is triggered, the triggering spell is wholly consumed by the surge and produces only the surge effect, unless the effect simply modifies some aspect of the spell. Any divination spell cast via the shard has a small chance that specifics of the divination may be twisted or obscured, the more detailed the divination the more likely some aspects will be altered.