01-31-2021, 02:52 AM
(01-31-2021, 12:06 AM)Melville Wrote: "I too can cast identify as a ritual, but alas do not have the pearl."
From dohwar racial traits.
Quote:When you reach 3rd level you learn to cast detect magic and identify, but only as a ritual, you do need material components.
While climbing to the underside he tells Ashheart. "I think I have unlocked some new magical formulae, one of which will allow me to permanently secure any door or hatch from being opened, except by thos particular people I key to the spell when it is cast, or who speak a passphrase that I include in the casting. It has a 25 gold coin cost, in gold dust, with each casting. If the captain is willing to pay that gold dust expense I can secure any door on the ship he chooses, or even all of them, from anyone but authorized persons. Perhaps scure the outer hatches from any but the crew, and any lockup that Captain has from anyone but him."
[OoC second level spell selection = Dragon's Breath and Arcane Lock.]
[OoC 3rd level Hit points +2 Con [1d6+2] = 2+2 = 4 = 4+2 Con = 6]
Once one the underside he makes sure to situat himself nice and firmly on the keel, sitting crosslegged facing the stern, at least 5 feet from the nearest person, but turned so everyone gets a clear view.
Quote:For the duration, you sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of you. If you sense magic in this way, you can use your action to see a faint aura around any visible creature or object in the area that bears magic, and you learn its school of magic, if any.
Arcana+5 [1d20+5] = 7+5 = 12; Investigation++5 [1d20+5] = 5+5 = 10; Insight+3 [1d20+3] = 4+3 = 7
Ashheart nods and says, "I'm sure he will be interested in that. We've got the gold, we'll just have to melt it down and powder it. We'll talk to the captain. I know he has something like that on his private hold, but he had to commission that and it was pricey."
Ashheart will be helping you with your deductions, so you can go ahead and roll all those with advantage. The Detect Magic shows that shard is magical, and has an affinity for divination and transmutation magic.