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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
(01-08-2021, 02:18 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote:
(01-08-2021, 03:46 AM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: [OoC: Does a Forum search...  ]

"Why yes, I believe I might know a little bit about them.  Why do you ask?"

"They are the big prize for this trip." he says, between sips of tea. "As you probably know, Elder artifacts and relics are worth tons of cash to the right collectors.  I have contacts with a couple of them, and I've put together a web of rumors, leads, partial maps and other stuff that I think is going to take us to one of the largest collections of Junta relics ever."  As he speaks he finishes off the tea and points to the scroll he was reading for emphasis.  "Problem is that most of the route is going to be through completely unknown territory, or areas so little explored that they may as well be unknown.  I even paid for a Divination while we were in port on if now was the time to act on it.  The result was wishy-washy, but more favorable than it has been in the past."  

He picks up the scroll and holds it up in front of Bazz, pointing to an odd three star design at both the top and bottom of the scroll. Illegible, but thick and oddly sinister, script fills the rest of the scroll.  Just looking at the papyrus, Bazz can tell that this scroll is very old, probably a couple hundred years at least.  "This symbol is a key part of the Elder's religion and society.  Something called the Eternal Lotus, best as the sages can tell me.  I would appreciate if you could spend some of your downtime going back over all the stories and whatever that you know, to see if you have heard anything before that may hold some kind of clue."

"I can certain try," Bazz replies.  "I spent much of my youth, some might say trapped, with an old sage who helped me out of a predicament and as payment he required that I stay with him, locked away in his library full of books.  [ Heroic Gift: Learned from a Supernatural Tutor (Gained Skilled Feat)]  Turns out he was some kind of supernatural tutor.  When he finally let me leave, I stepped out into the world and ended up here instead of my own world of Theros.  Thinking it was an obvious mistake, I turned around to go back inside but the old Sage and his entire grand library had faded away.  I miss the old sage but I think he sent me here because he felt I had more learning to do.  Maybe this is what he meant for me to do.  Find out about these Forerunners and their artifacts.  So I will do my best, but without a library, a scholar to speak with or even one of my contacts [Feature: ear to the ground] to speak with out here, it will be difficult."
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S WE COULD SIT DOWN - by Rupert Gladestone - 12-01-2020, 05:47 AM
RE: A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread] - by Bazzalan Horngrin - 01-08-2021, 03:08 PM

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