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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
(01-07-2021, 09:31 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote:
(01-07-2021, 04:07 AM)Melville Wrote: "Ay aye mate Ashheart."

Being immune to the effects of alcool, Melville is tired but not suffering.

He dons his  coat quickly and waddles to the helm to check his rotation.  He will pause long enough for Baz to be ready and accompany him.

Melville and Bazz head up to the main deck, but Bazz indicates that he is going to stop by galley first so Melville makes his way to the helm room at the back of the ship alone.  Rrr'chk'chk is setting up a long and low bench next to the helm.  At the back of the room is a long table with a clever locking tool holder that contains a full set of navigator's and cartographer's tools.  Mounted on the wall above the table is a cabinet made up of small doors.  A rope ladder hangs from the ceiling in front of the cabinet and a stool is set in front of the table.  Melville can tell that both the rope ladder and the brackets with which to secure the stool to the table in several places are new construction.  

Chick looks up as she finishes snapping the straps in the floor to hold her bench in place and says, "The Captain was in here this morning setting that up to make it easier for you to use the navigation charts and such.  The roster is on the table.  I have the first shift, then you, then Anders, then Bazz." She pops a small piece of unidentifiable fruit between her mandibles and settles herself down on the bench.

"Thank you Chick, he will have my thanks when I see him.  How long is each rotation? So that I know when to relieve you. And is there anything I can bring you during your rotation, or when I come relieve you?" Do you happen to know our first destination, so I can get started plotting our course?"
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S WE COULD SIT DOWN - by Rupert Gladestone - 12-01-2020, 05:47 AM
RE: A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread] - by Melville - 01-08-2021, 05:01 AM

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