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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
"As long as the celebrations do not go so far as incapacitation, I find that small events and the like are useful to break up the monotony of a long journey.  But letting it go too far, especially on a small crew, is a good way to die out there.  Leave that kind of partying for port.  As far as fraternization, I only have a problem if it starts to make a problem.  If a relationship falls out and the parties involved can't find some kind of resolution, I am more than happy to find some place for them to disembark and find their own paths away from each other.  Other than that I try to stay out of the crew's love lives as much as possible.  It should be noted that there is only so much room on the ship, and the crew bunks are communal, so venues for dalliances are limited and will not be welcome in open areas, particularly if they lead to a dereliction of duty. Also we only have so much in supplies, and given the somewhat unknown duration of the expedition they have to be somewhat rationed, which is another consideration on big parties." He rambles through talking points that it is apparent he has said many, many times before. 

With a smile and a gesture meant to encompass the whole ship and the crew, he says, "I and Ashheart try to keep things simple.  As long as your job is getting done, whatever you do to get you through the day is fine.  If you fall down on the job, depending on circumstances you get a second chance.  If you fall down a second time, or if your screw up is big enough the first time, we will find the next habitable place to let you find your own way back from, with whatever portion of your shares are available at the time.  If your accident causes the death of other crew members, a vote will be held by the survivors to determine your fate." He shakes his head grimly and continues, "Fortunately that has only happened twice in my years abort this vessel.  Both times the crew elected to barrel the bastard, and less said about that the better."

He smiles again and takes another sip.  He says, "I realize that is sometimes a heavy dose of reality for some.  I hope it doesn't turn you away.  You seem a competent sort, so I'm sure you won't have much to worry about."
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S WE COULD SIT DOWN - by Rupert Gladestone - 12-01-2020, 05:47 AM
RE: A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread] - by GM Anthraxus - 12-22-2020, 08:35 PM

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