12-21-2020, 05:48 AM
It would help you speak to other Mandos and soldiers in combat. You don't have to take it. I was watching the Mandalorian tonight and saw a few characters on the show use it. Then I happen to be looking at languages and it kind of just jumped out at me.
None of the Major NPC's have it and even the Clones or Stormtroopers don't have it. So why the book would say it's a language you could learn when no one can speak it seems pretty stupid.
Maybe it should just be an automatic language Soldiers get and something you can pick up if you don't have any Soldier levels. But IMO, it's just a handful of hand signs so it taking up a complete language seems kind of lame.
None of the Major NPC's have it and even the Clones or Stormtroopers don't have it. So why the book would say it's a language you could learn when no one can speak it seems pretty stupid.
Maybe it should just be an automatic language Soldiers get and something you can pick up if you don't have any Soldier levels. But IMO, it's just a handful of hand signs so it taking up a complete language seems kind of lame.