12-15-2020, 10:20 PM
(12-14-2020, 09:29 PM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: The Mandalorian woman gives the group a look (really hard to tell what kind, given she's wearing a helm), then glances at the relatively undefended Imperial Shuttle, then back at the group.
Well...it is a ship. And it's got a hyperdrive, so...
She shrugs.
"Guess a stolen Imperial shuttle is all I'm getting then."
Knowledge Galactic Lore: [1d20+8] = 20+8 = 28; I assume that's enough to know that this woman is wearing Mandalorian armor and who Mandalorians are especially because Jedi and Mandalorians have been at war in the past.
"Hello," Shunna says calmly to the woman who's presumably a Mandalorian or an imposter. "What do you mean by an, 'Imperial shuttle is all you're getting'?"