12-14-2020, 07:46 PM
(12-14-2020, 07:21 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: Eventually when you arrive back on the road, you see Rhodric laying on the ground with Aly kneeling beside him.
"I told you you should have jumped," Aly says while checking his wounds.
Healing Proficiency Check: Healing check DC15: [1d20] = 1, Healing: [1d3] = 3; Success!!; Heals 3 hit points of damage]
[OOC: I was reading about proficiencies. I'm not sure if you're aware but apparently you use your number of languages as extra proficiency slots. Since it doesn't specify either non-weapon or weapon proficiency, it seems you can use those points for whichever you want. You can find this rule at the bottom of the 'Number of Languages' Information in Intelligence.]
So that means:
Sumayl al-Akhir's intelligence is 12 so he gains 3 extra Proficiencies
Rhodric's intelligence is 11 so he gains 2 extra Proficiencies.]