11-16-2020, 05:45 PM
Betimi looks up from her second bowl of poerridge as Simon and Crozar approach. She actually moves away from them a pace when they sit down, though she does not turn away. They both feel the waves of sorrow abruptly ebb as she gets just the right distance away. Apparently the waves of emotion affect a radius around her, with a finite limit.
She instinctively knows where that limit is.
She gladly accepts the utensils from Crozar, as she had been scooping with her fingers. She licks her fingers off and wipes them on the hem of her cloak, which is already soiled with mud and debris. the closest it has been to being washed was when she explored the pond yesterday.
She looks levelly at Simon. "You have concerns about my babies?" her left hand idly brushes her abdomen, where Simon knows the breed leech is attached.
She instinctively knows where that limit is.
She gladly accepts the utensils from Crozar, as she had been scooping with her fingers. She licks her fingers off and wipes them on the hem of her cloak, which is already soiled with mud and debris. the closest it has been to being washed was when she explored the pond yesterday.
She looks levelly at Simon. "You have concerns about my babies?" her left hand idly brushes her abdomen, where Simon knows the breed leech is attached.