11-03-2020, 07:38 PM
Nightingale rushes forward, swinging once with her mace and follows it up with a swift knee, hoping to end the overgrown rodent.
Initiative: 1d20+4 17
Mace Attack: 1d20+6 26 CRIT
Mace Damage: 1d6+4 5 With the crit it makes this... 6
Unarmed Attack: 1d20+6 7 (Nat 1...)
Initiative: 1d20+4 17
Mace Attack: 1d20+6 26 CRIT
Mace Damage: 1d6+4 5 With the crit it makes this... 6
Unarmed Attack: 1d20+6 7 (Nat 1...)