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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
I'm not sure if you're aware of this but with the large pile of fungus acting a solid cover, in front of the second pile and to a lesser extent, the cavern wall you will need to move about 15' into the room to at least [F-2] to throw a stone at the next mound.

[I updated a map with your tokens.  If for some reason you don't like or can't properly see your token, and want me to focus more closely in on your character's face, let me know and I can update it.  Or if you want to fiddle with making a token yourself, you can go to http://rolladvantage.com/tokenstamp/ and make one yourself.  Then just send it to me.]

[Click on to enlarge!  Once you follow the link you might be able to click on it again to enlarge it more.]
[Image: Yn6iNdJm.jpg]
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RE: Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2 - by GM Marvel - 11-03-2020, 05:56 PM

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