11-02-2020, 05:09 AM
[OoC: As you will soon find out (and I alluded to - see spoiler) these creatures have a unique type of Fast Healing. While above 0 hit points they heal 3 hit points per round but while they're below 0 hit points they don't die. Instead they regenerate 1 hit point per hour until they regain consciousness. Then they start healing 3 hit points a round, again. And remember, Simon and Ning/Nang discovered they are resistant to Fire. So far you haven't seen any energy type they seem particularly vulnerable to.]
[OoC2: Remember, Divine casters don't need 8 hours of sleep like Arcane caster do to learn their spells. So Selina could be woken up too. ]
[I think you mean, Tomeal? Not Taemyl.
[OoC: Kubo needs to make a move silently check.]
Tomeal had taken a place close to Selina to rest. When Kubo quietly wakens him, Tomeal will awaken with a start. His hand immediately grasps for the pommel of his sword, ready to impale whatever it was that startled him awake. Seeing Kubo causes Tomeal to immediately relax and take a deep breath. Tomeal nods and follows Kubo to the mouth of the cave.
[Selina (and anyone else who wants to) can make a Listen check to see if she wakes up when Tomeal is woken up. Sleeping gives you a -10 penalty. The rest of you will have the -10 penalty plus an additional penalty based on distance.]
[OoC2: Remember, Divine casters don't need 8 hours of sleep like Arcane caster do to learn their spells. So Selina could be woken up too. ]
(11-01-2020, 07:11 PM)Kubo Wrote: [OoC: Why wouldn't he!,
Hearing evil DM laugh] kubo rushes into the cave and quitely wakes Taemyl, "We may have trouble stirring outside the cave, I'm going to go asist Beltmi, if you hear me shout we be needin help, please come a runnin!". He then he back to Beltimi to check the developing situation.
[I think you mean, Tomeal? Not Taemyl.

[OoC: Kubo needs to make a move silently check.]
Tomeal had taken a place close to Selina to rest. When Kubo quietly wakens him, Tomeal will awaken with a start. His hand immediately grasps for the pommel of his sword, ready to impale whatever it was that startled him awake. Seeing Kubo causes Tomeal to immediately relax and take a deep breath. Tomeal nods and follows Kubo to the mouth of the cave.
[Selina (and anyone else who wants to) can make a Listen check to see if she wakes up when Tomeal is woken up. Sleeping gives you a -10 penalty. The rest of you will have the -10 penalty plus an additional penalty based on distance.]